Artificial Intelligence

From (chat)bots to predictive analytics, intelligent triggers, and AI assistants like Amelia – Artificial Intelligence (AI) is here to stay. By leveraging AI, service desk employees can spend their time doing what they do best: using their expertise where it’s actually needed.


What tasks can chatbots do for your service desk?

Do your service desk employees see chatbots as a threat? This blog should help...


Service Desk and AI: Why AI will Never Replace Humans

Artificial intelligence (AI): it’s a hot topic, but it’s also often misunderstood. And with...


The benefits of service desk automation

Handling incidents at the service desk can be quite a time sink. Your team...


How AI makes service desk customers more self-sufficient

How self-sufficient are your service desk customers? Shift Left is a method for making...


How will AI and Machine learning change service management?

Artificial Intelligence – AI – is a popular topic at service management events. It’s...